Nicotine Reference Material
Product code: N080P01G
Batch # N080B210927
Expiration date: September27th2024
Recommended Storage: 4°C±4C in the dark
Operator: SM
Name |
Purity% |
Raw Material |
Quantity* |
1 |
Nicotine |
99.2±1% |
54-11-5 |
252689 |
1.01g ±0.02% |
Chemistry data
Chemistry data
Name: Nicotine
Molecular Weight: 162.23gmol-1
State: Liquid
Color: Pale Yellow
Boiling Point:247C at993hPa
Hazard statementsH300-H310-H330-H411
Precautionary statements:P260-P262-P273-P280 P301+P310-P302+P352-P501
1- General Information: Analytical Standard Solutions-A2S is a producer of Reference Materials in neat,pure in solution and mixture forms.A2S is located in France295 Avenue de Boulac 33127 SAINT JEAN DILLAC.
2- Quality Standards and Documentation:
A2S is certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality ManagementSystem-RequirementsAFNOR afao Certification Number N°2012/51356.3. 1509001
A2S is accredited ISO 17034 Producer of Reference Material-Requirements COFRAC Accreditation cofrac
Number N°1-6378:The scope is available on The certificates of analysis are designed in accordance with ISO Guide 31(Reference Materials -WtFERENCE Contents of Certificates and labels) and ISO Guide 35(Reference Materials-General and Statistica Principal for Certification).
3- Intented Use:The product covered by this certificate is designed for calibration or for use in quality control procedures for the specified chemical compound listed on the first page.This product can be used for identification(RM)and/o quantification(CRM).This product can also be used as a reference material to validate analytical procedures, subject to the conditions under Section 11. For neat products quantities sold are integrate in a range between the quantity request and 5% more. If dilution is required,use only Class A glassware and diluents compatible with all certified analytes in this preparation.All solutions should be thoroughly mixed prior to use.Concentration is corrected for chromatographic purity integrating, if necessary, residual water,residual solvent and residual inorganics. No adiustment is reauired before use.
4- Raw Materials: Reference standards are prepared from the highest quality starting materials with defined purities. All analytes and solvents are obtained from pre-qualified vendors and then analyzed or evaluated prior to use.
5- Manufacturing: All the weighing and volumetric eauipment is controlled and calibrated either bv internal procedure or by ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory.
Equipment |
Frequency |
Quality Norms |
Weight |
Annually(ISO 17025 Lab) |
OIML R76-1 |
Balances |
Annually(ISO 17025 Lab)&daily(internal procedure) |
NF EN 45501 |
Micropipettes |
Annually(ISO17025 Lab)&monthly |
NF EN ISO 8655 |
6- Homogeneity Assessment: Homogeneity of the finished product is assessed by analyzing sample batches or by other method consistent with the intended use of the product and by procedures that comply with the appropriate Quality System requirementsand ISO Guide 35§7
7-Stability Assessment: The manufacturer guarantees the stability of this solution through the expiration date stated or the label,when handled and store according to the conditions stated on the label.To ensure a uniform solution. mi the contents of the sealed container thoroughly prior to use.Care should be taken not to contaminate the contents ofthe original container.
8- Analytical Quality Control:All products sold are tested by validated analytical methods specified in the manufacturer's quality system. Spectrums and/or chromatograms are supplied in the way to assure the auality (identification, purity concentration)ofthe MR
9- Uncertainty Statistics and Confidence Limits:Uncertainty of the concentration is expressed as an expanded uncertaint in accordance with ISO 17034 at the approximate 95% confidence interval using a coverage factor of k=2 and has beer calculated by statistical analysis of our production system and incorporates uncertainty of the mass balance, purity factor,balancemicropipettes(for RM)and in addition with homogeneity and stability(for CRM).
10-Warranties: The manufacturer warrants that its products shall conform to the descrintion of such products as provider in its catalog or on the specific product label.This warranty is exclusive and the manufacturer makes no other warranty,express or impliedincluding anyimplied warranty of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose
11-Legal Notice and Limit ofLiability:This product is for routine laboratory analysis and research purposes only. Due tothe hazardous nature. only trained personnel should handle this productThe companv’s liability will be limited to the replacement of the product or refund of purchase price.Notice of claims must be made within thirty(30) davs from the date of delivery.